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Automatic control of electronic files (assessment decisions)

Automatic control of electronic files (assessment decisions)


EVVdatacenter, EZdatacenter’s new product, was created to not only automate the retrieval of customs receipts for all importers, but to also bring simplicity to the processes of systematically checking the documents that accompany taxation decisions.

The tax bill and the invoice sent by the Federal Customs Administration are further documents that require careful control by the importing companies.

This control is very time-consuming because for each tax list all the electronic customs receipts that make up the list must first be identified and then all the associated amounts must be verified.

At the same time as this verification, the importer must also check that the invoice from the Federal Customs Administration matches the amounts on the tax lists that make up the invoice.

Each day, these checks can take several hours, which is the time it takes to identify all the documents, view or possibly print them, and then verify each amount reported.

Thanks to the solution implemented for the tax list, these manual checks no longer exist, completely eliminating the time spent by the administrative departments of importing companies.

A simple email sent to our platform enables the archiving and indexing of the invoice sent by the FCA and the subsequent link with the tax list.

For each bill, our system performs an initial check on the number of customs receipts stored, verifies each amount on the bill and the total amount of taxes charged.

The positive outcome of the check determines the affixing of a digital stamp on each customs receipt and on the tax list. The document retains its originality and shelf life as the digital stamp is visual. Using the search mask, it is also possible to identify approved documents and generate effective statistics with a single click.

A coloured numeric indicator and a dedicated list allow you to see at any time which BOMs have been approved and which customs receipts are related. Unapproved documents can also be tracked.

As a final check, the system verifies the amount of the FCA invoice and the amounts of the individual BOMs by digitally stamping the invoice, thus completing the control process automatically and without any additional staff time.

Simply enter the invoice number in the search screen and all related documents are immediately available in a single window at the click of a button. They can be viewed, printed, exported or sent by email, all within seconds.



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EZdatacenter SA
Via Rinaldo Simen 3
CH-6830 Chiasso

+41 91 695 54 47


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