+41 91 6955447 easy@ezdatacenter.com
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EZdatacenter SA is a company specializing in the digitization, management and flow of customs and commercial documentation. With EZ, short for the English word easy, based on pronunciation, we wanted to emphasize the ease of use and management of our products.
With more than 1000 customers, Ezdatacenter SA is now a leader in digitization and data protection.
Trust a competent partner, trust Ezdatacenter.

EZdatacenter SA is a company of Tepoorten Group SA.

Save money

EVVdatacenter is the most affordable archiving solution, and will save you paper, space, time, and money.


Archive safety

Protect your documents from theft and natural disasters. Your data is hosted on our redundant storage systems in Switzerland

Archive your documents

Monitor your outstanding debts, workflow, and document versions. Archive your invoices, and export and import electronic assessment files.

Save time

Filter your import and export electronic assessment files by invoice number, declaration, full text, or any other criteria.

10-year guarantee

Swiss law requires documents to be archived for 10 years. Use our dedicated and redundant servers based in our Swiss HQ.

Statistics and analyses

A dynamic and cutting-edge system carries out statistics and analyses reports – download them as PDFs or Excels.

How digital is your company?

The evolution of customs processes has in fact made it mandatory to digitize taxation decisions, but how many other documents can you remove from your paper archives and make them available, searchable and consultable in just a few seconds?

More than 2,000 satisfied clients

More than 2,000 clients chose EZdatacenter for the automatic management of electronic assessment decisions and many other documents. EZdatacenter is the most sold, chosen, and affordable tool in Switzerland – now available in a country near you.


Archived documents

The right choice

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Hot off the press!

Find out more about EVVdatacenter: news and new functions


EVVdatacenter automatically streamlines your levy, import, and export assessment decisions. It also manages all shipping documentation.
Increase efficiency thanks to EVVdatacenter – take care of retrieval, controlling, archiving, analysing, statistics and search operations.


The ideal solution for archiving and immediate search of the SAD document (Single Administrative Document).

The DAUdatacenter system allows the search, control, and electronic tracking and related control of export and import operations to and from the European Community, making it possible to archive in a fully computerized environment and for a duration of 10 years.

With Daudatacenter it will also be possible to link with other documents such as the invoice, any packing list, the transport document or packing slip and the documents of origin.

Our Team

Ambitious, skilful men and women, ready to face exciting and innovative challenges are at the heart of our success. Everyone is dedicated to their work, and the work environment is fresh and stimulating. You can advance your career by showing your worth and by taking part in complex and diverse projects to satisfy even the most demanding tasks.

2k+ Satisfied customers

”We are happy to confirm that we are very satified with your platform. We are able to reduce the processing of EVV documents, which used to take several days, to a single day. Apart from that, since we use your platform, we no longer need to reques declarations copies because they are lost by post or lost during handling. Also, we no longer need to count, each single declaration together with the calculator to check the total amount. Thanks your platform, we do it today with an Excel download. The verification of the total amounts of the Bordereaus takes us a few seconds today. 
Kurt Suter

Accounts Payable Specialist, HOLCIM (SCHWEIZ) AG

”The Evvdatacenter system is a very functional, intuitive and complete portal as well as being a perfect archive where to find all the documents. The company has had significant savings both in terms of time for the usability of the data and space: paper / electronic archiving is no longer necessary and the various files that can be extracted from the system satisfy every request. We thank you and we will continue to collaborate with you. “

Gian Carlo Clerici




Request a free consultation now

EZdatacenter SA
Via Rinaldo Simen 3
CH-6830 Chiasso

+41 91 695 54 47


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