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EZdatacenter, how does it work?

As of 1 March 2018, the digitisation of VAT and duty imposition decisions has been implemented. The famous “yellow vouchers”, in paper format, no longer exist and have been replaced by PDF and XML versions.


This development certainly has advantages, but there are some negative aspects that should not be underestimated.


Firstly, the importer will no longer be in possession of the paper version and will have to take care of the digital archiving himself, as the Federal Customs Administration does not act as an archiving system.


Consequently, the storage and classification of the files is the responsibility of the importer; he must bear in mind that the documents are electronically signed and therefore cannot be changed without these changes being contestable. The importer must bear in mind that the documents are electronically signed and therefore cannot be changed without these changes being undisputed.


The importer is obliged to show the documents to the checks and inspections of the federal authorities, and runs the risk of losing a lot of time in handling each individual file. Moreover, on the customs website, searches are only carried out by means of the individual number of the bill and for a period of 10 days. This limitation complicates and considerably lengthens the management and search time. For this reason, EZdatacenter (of Tepoorten Group) has developed the product Evvdatacenter, an easy and safe database for the management and archiving of all your IMIe.


The system, perfectly certified and authorised, allows the archiving of all IMIe automatically and without any time limit.


Thanks to the intuitive interface, the user can easily access his archive by searching by sender, by invoice number, by customs bill, by type of goods, by date, by value or by any other reference that is useful to him.


Evvdatacenter is a database developed for both desktop and mobile systems, and therefore allows to be consulted immediately in any place.


Evvdatacenter is the right choice

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Document check: Approval, signatures and stamps

Controllare i vostri documenti diventerà un’operazione semplicissima. In ogni momento nelle opportune visualizzazioni di EZdatacenter e con l’utilizzo delle liste a disposizione, avrete una situazione completa del flusso dei vostri documenti e un alert inviato per mail vi avviserà costantemente di eventuali discrepanze.

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